Wykaz publikacji w roku 2022


Artykuły w czasopismach wymienionych na liście Journal Citation Reports (JCR)

  1. Liberacki, D., Kocięcka, J.; Stachowski, P.; Rolbiecki, R.; Rolbiecki, S.; Sadan, H.A.; Figas, A.; Jagosz, B.; Wichrowska, D.; Ptach, W.; Prus, P.; Pal-Fam, F.; Łangowski, A. , Water Needs of Willow (Salix L.) in Western Poland. Energies 2022, 15, 484.

  2. Chwiałkowski, C.; Zydroń, A. The Impact of Urban Public Transport on Residential Transaction Prices: A Case Study of Poznań, Poland. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2022, 11, 74

  3. Mateusz Hämmerling, Tomasz Kałuza, Paweł Zawadzki, Stanisław Zaborowski, Mariusz Sojka, Daniel Liberacki and Mariusz Ptak, Application of Multi-Criteria Analytic Methods in the Assessment of the Technical Conditions of Small Hydraulic Structures, Buildings 2022, 12

  4. Yang, Rui, Shiqiang Wu, Xiufeng Wu, Mariusz Ptak, Xudong Li, Mariusz Sojka, Renata Graf, Jiangyu Dai, and Senlin Zhu. "Quantifying the impacts of climate variation, damming, and flow regulation on river thermal dynamics: a case study of the Włocławek Reservoir in the Vistula River, Poland." Environmental Sciences Europe 34, no. 1 (2022): 1-11.

  5. Ptak, Mariusz, Mariusz Sojka, Renata Graf, Adam Choiński, Senlin Zhu, and Bogumił Nowak. "Warming Vistula River–the effects of climate and local conditions on water temperature in one of the largest rivers in Europe." Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics (2022): 

  6. Jaskuła, Joanna, and Mariusz Sojka. "Assessment of spatial distribution of sediment contamination with heavy metals in the two biggest rivers in Poland." CATENA 211 (2022): 105959.

  7. Sojka, Mariusz "Directions and Extent of Flows Changes in Warta River Basin (Poland) in the Context of the Efficiency of Run-of-River Hydropower Plants and the Perspectives for Their Future Development." Energies 15, no. 2 (2022): 439

  8. Tomasz Kałuża, Mateusz Hämmerling, Paweł Zawadzki, Wojciech Czekała, Robert Kasperek, Mariusz Sojka, Marian Mokwa, Mariusz Ptak, Arkadiusz Szkudlarek, Mirosław Czechlowski, Jacek Dach, The hydropower sector in Poland: Historical development and current status, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, (2022), Volume 158, 11215

  9. Napierała, Michał, "A Study on Improving Economy Efficiency of Pumping Stations Based on Tariff Changes." Energies 15.3 (2022): 799

  10. Zhu, Senlin, You Luo, Mariusz Ptak, Mariusz Sojka, Qingfeng Ji, Adam Choiński, and Manman Kuang. 2022. A hybrid model for the forecasting of sea surface water temperature using the information of air temperatureAll Earth 

  11. Rolbiecki, R.; Yücel, A.; Kocięcka, J.; Atilgan, A.; Marković, M.; Liberacki, D. Analysis of SPI as a Drought Indicator during the Maize Growing Period in the Çukurova Region (Turkey). Sustainability 2022, 14, 3697 

  12. Staniszewski Ryszard; Niedzielski Przemysław; Sobczyński Tadeusz; Sojka Mariusz.  Trace Elements in Sediments of Rivers Affected by Brown Coal Mining: A Potential Environmental Hazard. Energies 2022, 15(8), 2828;

  13. Bogumił Nowak, Mariusz Ptak, Jan Bartczak, and Mariusz Sojka. 2022. Hydraulic Structures as a Key Component of Sustainable Water Management at the Catchment Scale—Case Study of the Rgilewka River (Central Poland). Buildings 12, no. 5: 675.

  14. Tomasz Kałuża, Mateusz Hämmerling, Paweł Zawadzki, Wojciech Czekała, Robert Kasperek, Mariusz Sojka, Marian Mokwa, Mariusz Ptak, Arkadiusz Szkudlarek, Mirosław Czechlowski, Jacek Dach, 2022. The hydropower sector in Poland: Barriers and the outlook for the future." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 163: 112500.

  15. Ewelina Janicka, Jolanta Kanclerz, Katarzyna Wiatrowska and Anna Budka, Variability of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Content and Their Forms in Waters of a River-Lake System, Front. Environ. Sci., vol.10, 2022

  16. Heddam Salim, Ptak Mariusz, Sojka Mariusz, Kim Sungwon, Malik Aanurag, Kisi Ozgur, Zounemat-Kermani Mohammad. Least square support vector machine-based variational mode decomposition: a new hybrid model for daily river water temperature modeling. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2022 May 23.

  17. Mariusz Sojka, Adam Choiński, Mariusz Ptak, Ewa Kanecka-Geszke, Senlin Zhu & Paweł Strzeliński (2022) Detection of lake shoreline active zones and water volume changes using digital lake bottom model and water level fluctuations, Geocarto International, Geocarto International

  18. Kęsicka, B., Stasik, R., & Kozłowski, M. (2022). Effects of modelling studies on controlled drainage in agricultural land on reduction of outflow and nitrate losses–a meta-analysis. Plos One, 17(4),

  19. Sojka, Mariusz, and Mariusz Ptak. 2022. "Possibilities of River Water Temperature Reconstruction Using Statistical Models in the Context of Long-Term Thermal Regime Changes Assessment" Applied Sciences 12, no. 15: 7503.

  20. Choryński Adam, Pińskwar Iwona, Graczyk Dariusz, Krzyżaniak Michał. The emergence of different local resilience arrangements regarding extreme weather events in small municipalities-A case study from the Wielkopolska Region, Poland, Sustainability, 2022, vol. 14 (iss. 4), art. no. 2052, 100 pkt

  21. Dyba Krzysztof , Ermida Sofia, Ptak Mariusz, Piekarczyk Jan, and  Sojka Mariusz. 2022. "Evaluation of Methods for Estimating Lake Surface Water Temperature Using Landsat 8Remote Sensing 14, no. 15: 3839. 

  22. Sebastian Zabłocki,  Sadżide Murat-Błażejewska, Joanna Alicja Trzeciak, Ryszard Błażejewski, High-resolution mapping to assess risk of groundwater pollution by nitrates from agricultural activities in Wielkopolska Province, Poland, Archives of Environmental Protection Vol. 48 no. 1 pp. 41–57

  23. Nowak, B., Ptak, M. and Sojka, M., 2022. Monitoring of the Technical Condition and Optimisation of the Functioning of Small Hydraulic Structures in Poland: The Case Study of the Oświecim Weir. Buildings12(10), p.1527

  24. Sojka M., Nowak B., Ptak M., Jaskuła J. 2022. Historia funkcjonowania zbiornika Jeziorsko opisana zobrazowaniami satelitarnymi Landsat. Gospodarka Wodna 9: 5-12

  25. Nowak, Bogumił, Mariusz Ptak, Katarzyna Szyga-Pluta, and Mariusz Sojka 2022. "Influence of the Jeziorsko Dam Reservoir on Water Flow in the Warta River" Buildings 12, no. 10: 1624. 

  26. Sojka, M.,Jaskuła, J. (2022). Heavy Metals in River Sediments: Contamination, Toxicity, and Source Identification—A Case Study from Poland. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19(17), 10502. (IF 4.614)

  27. Chwiałkowski C, Zydroń A. Influence of Railroad Infrastructure on Residential Property Prices on the Example of Kórnik Municipality. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska. 2022; 24.

  28. Sojka, Mariusz, Jaskuła, Joanna, Barabach, Jan, Ptak, Mariusz, Zhu, Senlin. 2022. Heavy metals in lake surface sediments in protected areas in Poland: concentration, pollution, ecological risk, sources and spatial distribution. Scientific Reports. 12(1), 15006

  29. Bogumił Nowak, Anna Andrzejak, Grzegorz Filipiak, Mariusz Ptak,  Mariusz Sojka. 2022. Assessment of the Impact of Flow Changes and Water Management Rules in the Dam Reservoir on Energy Generation at the Jeziorsko Hydropower Plant. Energies. 15(20), 7695.

  30. Senlin Zhu, You Luo, Renata Graf, Dariusz Wrzesiński, Mariusz Sojka, Bowen Sun, Lingzhong Kong, Qingfeng Ji, Wenguang Luo (2022). Reconstruction of long-term water temperature indicates significant warming in Polish rivers during 1966–2020Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies44, 101281

  31. Senlin Zhu, Qingfeng Ji, Mariusz Ptak, Mariusz Sojka, Abdalsamad Keramatfar, Kwok Wing Chau, Shahab S. (2022). Band Daily water level forecasting for multiple Polish lakes using multiple datadriven modelsThe Geographical Journal

  32. Sirmacekic, E.; Atilgan, A.; Rolbiecki, R.; Jagosz, B.; Rolbiecki, S.; Gokdogan, O.; Niemiec, M.; Kocięcka, J. Possibilities of Using Whey Wastes in Agriculture: Case of Turkey. Energies 2022, 15, 9636.

Artykuły w czasopismach wymienionych na liście MNiSW
  1. Bykowski J., Szymczak-Graczyk A. (2022): Ocena stanu oraz warunki odbudowy i remontów urządzeń melioracji wodnych. Inżynier Budownictwa 6/2022. s. 84-88.
  1. Bykowski J., Tchorzewski K. (2022): Przykłady analizy kosztów wykonania indywidualnych systemów wodociągowych. (w. Wybrane aspekty budowy i eksploatacji wodociągów wiejskich. Monografia pod red. naukową: Eymontt A., Wierzbicki K., Wardal W.J.). Wydawnictwo ITP-PIB, Falenty 2022. ISBN 978-83-65426-49-9. ss. 136.