Artykuły w czasopismach wymienionych na liście Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
  1. Bai, T., Borowiak, K., Wu, Y., & Zhang, J. (2021). Highly resolved runoff path simulation based on urban surface landscape layout for sub-catchment scaleWater13(10), 1345.
  2. Bączkiewicz, A., Diatta, J., Drapikowska, M., Rodkiewicz, P., Sawicki, J., Szczecińska, M., & Buczkowska, K. (2021). Geochemical alkalinity and acidity as preferential site-specific for three lineages liverwort of Aneura pinguis cryptic species AScientific Reports11(1), 4334.
  3. Borowiak, K., Wolna-Maruwka, A., Niewiadomska, A., Budka, A., Schroeter-Zakrzewska, A., & Stasik, R. (2021). The effects of various doses and types of effective microorganism applications on microbial and enzyme activity of medium and the photosynthetic activity of scarlet sageAgronomy11(3), 603.
  4. Czerwińska-Kayzer, D., Florek, J., Staniszewski, R., & Kayzer, D. (2021). Application of canonical variate analysis to compare different groups of food industry companies in terms of financial liquidity and profitabilityEnergies14(15), 4701.
  5. Gebler, D., Kolada, A., Pasztaleniec, A., & Szoszkiewicz, K. (2021). Modelling of ecological status of Polish lakes using deep learning techniquesEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research28, 5383-5397.
  6. Kupiec, J.M., Staniszewski, R., & Jusik, S. (2021). Assessment of the impact of land use in an agricultural catchment area on water quality of lowland riversPeerJ9, e10564.
  7. Lisiak-Zielińska, M., Borowiak, K., Budka, A., Kanclerz, J., Janicka, E., Kaczor, A., Żyromski, A., Biniak-Pieróg, M., Podawca, K., Mleczek, M., & Niedzielski, P. (2021). How polluted are cities in central Europe?-Heavy metal contamination in Taraxacum officinale and soils collected from different land use areas of three representative citiesChemosphere266, 129113.
  8. Lisiak-Zielińska, M., Cakaj, A., Budka, A., Drapikowska, M., Borowiak, K., Kanclerz, J., & Janicka, E. (2021). Natura 2000 network vs. tourism and investment potential of communes - A case study of Czarnkowsko-Trzcianecki countySustainability13(21), 11668.
  9. Lisiak-Zielińska, M., & Ziernicka-Wojtaszek, A. (2020). Spatial variation in tourism and investment potential in the context of sustainable development - A case study of Staszowski countySustainability13(1), 3.
  10. Mbah, J. T., Chmist-Sikorska, J., Szoszkiewicz, K., & Czekała, W. (2021). The effects of inflow of agricultural biogas digestate on bivalves’ behaviorEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research28, 67385-67393.
  11. Mleczek, P., Borowiak, K., Budka, A., Szostek, M., & Niedzielski, P. (2021). Possible sources of rare earth elements near different classes of road in Poland and their phytoextraction to herbaceous plant speciesEnvironmental Research193, 110580.
  12. Rivaes, R. P., Feio, M. J., Almeida, S. F., Vieira, C., Calapez, A. R., Mortagua, A., Gebler, D., Lozanovska, I., & Aguiar, F. C. (2021). Multi-biologic group analysis for an ecosystem response to longitudinal river regulation gradientsScience of the Total Environment767, 144327.
  13. Shah, V., Jagupilla, S. C. K., Vaccari, D. A., & Gebler, D. (2021). Non-linear visualization and importance ratio analysis of multivariate polynomial regression ecological models based on river hydromorphology and water qualityWater13(19), 2708.
  14. Staniszewski, R., Cais-Sokolińska, D., Kaczyński, Ł. K., & Bielska, P. (2021). Use of Bioluminescence for Monitoring Brown Coal Mine Waters from Deep and Surface DrainageEnergies14(12), 3558.
  15. Staniszewski, R., Frankowski, P., Kayzer, D., Zbierska, J., & Achtenberg, K. (2021). Reconstruction of ancient lake after peat excavation—A case study about water qualityApplied Sciences11(9), 4213.
Artykuły w czasopismach wymienionych na liście MNiSW
  1. Szoszkiewicz, K., Jusik, S., & Gebler, D. (2021). Program I1 - Hydrobiologia rzek - makrofity i ocena hydromorfologiczna koryta rzecznego. W: Kostrzewski, A., & Majewski, M. (red.) Zintegrowany Monitoring Środowiska Przyrodniczego: Organizacja, system pomiarowy, metody badań. Wytyczne do realizacji. Warszawa: Biblioteka Monitoringu Środowiska, 243-259.
  1. Achtenberg, K., & Jusik, S. (2021). Projekt "najcenniejsze rzeki i potoki w Polsce". Wieści Akademickie, 4, 35-36.